Monday, October 31, 2016

Today We Pray - Oct 31, 2016


Here I am Lord, I come to You and asking for rest. I come to seek Your presence. I long for it and your healing power, too.

I set aside my preoccupations and chores at this moment to feel Your presence. I am refreshed if I am with You. Cultivate in me an appetite for Your Word and presence.

Help me Lord to read the Bible more to feed me spiritually, ‘cause it’s the food for the soul. It is Your Words that can give release to my often-failing heart. Let me savor it, ingest it and be strengthened by it.


Sunday, October 30, 2016

Today We Pray - Oct 30, 2016


Lord, You are our shelter in the time of storm. You are our hope for years to come. You are our eternal home.

Help me to be open to You. I set aside the cares of this world. Fill my mind with Your peace and love today.

Let Your grace shape me, our loving Creator. I acknowledge how I really am. Thank You for loving the real me in spite of my imperfections.


Saturday, October 29, 2016

Today We Pray - Oct 29, 2016


Lord, thank You for Your unconditional love to us. You are the author of love and we are grateful for that. We are thankful because You loved us first and through that, love is just around us.

I ask for forgiveness for all of my sins. I felt sorry for what I’ve done that is not pleasing to Your eyes. I now picture the gentleness in Your eyes, cleanse and purify us, O God.

When I wait for You, You always arrive before me. You always desire to connect to me. You are my most intimate friend and I Love You, Lord. Thank You for Your Agape Love.


Friday, October 28, 2016

Today We Pray - Oct 28, 2016


Dear Lord, thank You for showering Your blessings upon us. Thank You for creating me in Your image and likeness. I am grateful that I am Your dwelling-place.

Please always grant me grace to have freedom of spirit. Cleanse me and purify me from all unrighteousness. Let me live joyously in Your love, forevermore.

My soul longs for You more and more. Stay by my side always, Lord. Let me have that peace and contentment in Your presence.


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Today We Pray - Oct 27, 2016


Lord, my soul longs for Your presence. Thank You for the peace and contentment when I turn my soul to You. We praise Your Name, O God.

We pray today for the countries that are suffering at these times. They are suffering from the agonies of war. We pray for peace, freedom and mercies upon them. Cover them with Your most precious blood.

Help me Lord to have that spiritual transformation in my life so that You can use me. Let me be a channel of blessings to others. Let others see Jesus in me.


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Today We Pray - Oct 26, 2016


Lord, You are a marvelous and everlasting God. Thank You for that wonderful feeling of freedom. The moment that You set me free, I am free, indeed!

When I gaze into Your Holiness, this creates in me a feeling of awe deep inside. We worship and we adore Your Name. You are a God that is omnipresent.

Thank You for Your love. With this, I can afford to be honest about how I am. I want more of You, God.


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Today We Pray - Oct 25, 2016


Dear Lord, thank You for always welcoming me into Your presence. Thank You for making me feel that I am Your beloved child. It is indeed a privilege that You always desire to come to me.

Please guide me always to obey Your will in my life. Help me to be patient while waiting. I will seek Your will more and more in this waiting period.

Help me to grow my faith and love to You. Thank You for the strength that carries me through. Indeed, You are a Faithful Father to us


Monday, October 24, 2016

Today We Pray - Oct 24, 2016


Lord, thank You for loving me everyday. You enfold me with Your love everyday. Help me be to be in one with You, always.

Help me to serve You more and more. This is how I can show my love to You. Let me be a good steward of Your creation.

Help me also to think before I speak, to check my heart always. Help me to control my tongue so I won’t cause any trouble. Guard me always against the fangs of the enemies so that I will be a blessing to others, too.


Sunday, October 23, 2016

Today We Pray - Oct 23, 2016


Dear Lord, help us to be still and know You are God all the time. Your Words lead us to the calmness and greatness of Your presence. You are an amazing God, the great and marvelous Creator.

I ask for grace to let go of my own concerns. Help me to be open to what God is asking of me. Let me be guided and formed by You, our loving Creator.

Thank You for the gift of life. I thank You and praise You for you created me wonderfully, Your works are perfect! We give You honor and glory, forevermore.


Saturday, October 22, 2016

Today We Pray - Oct 22, 2016


O Lord my God, You are our great protector. Wherever I will go, You are always there. I never felt alone because You are with me.

Show us the light when darkness comes into our lives. Especially when we don’t know which is the way out, grant us wisdom and help us to trust in You. We receive strength from You, Lord, for every struggles and trials that we encounter.

Help us to trust in You whenever we’re afraid. Without You, we are nothing. Thank You for always being there for us.


Friday, October 21, 2016

Today We Pray - Oct 21, 2016


Lord God, how awesome You are. You are an everlasting loving God. You are within me, giving me existence everyday.

Dwell in my body, my mind, my heart and in my whole life. I need You everyday. I want to feel more of Your love and presence in my life.

You love the real me even if I am a sinner. Forgive me from all of my transgressions. Help me to repent from all of my sins for you are coming real soon.


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Today We Pray - Oct 20, 2016


Lord, thank You for Your presence. Thank You for breathing life into me and everything around me. Help us to become more aware of Your presence and experience the glory of Your goodness everyday.

Fill me with Your Holy Spirit everyday, O God. I receive that inner freedom from Your hands. Let Your Holy Spirit also instil in my heart so that I can love You more each day.

I will repent all my sins to You. I can feel that You are coming soon. I am excited to meet You face to face and be with You forevermore.


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Today We Pray - Oct 19, 2016


Dear Lord, thank You for making me live in freedom. Thank You that I was born to live with it. I am able to enjoy freely the godly pleasures that You created for me and for us.

Help me Lord to be more open to You. I set aside the patterns of the world. Help me not to dwell on wordly things, but help me to practice things that are right in Your eyes.

Teach me more Lord in the knowledge that You will care for me all throughout my life. I cast all my cares unto You. If I don’t know what to do, help me to remind Your presence and love unto us.


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Today We Pray - Oct 18, 2016


Dear Lord, You are an amazing God. Everything You created is perfect. You created the universe, the sun and the moon, the earth, every molecule, every atom perfectly and with no flaws.

Be in my heart always, Lord. Let me feel your presence in every beat of my heart. Let me have that desire to know and love You more.

Help me Lord to discern Your will for me more and more. I want so much to do Your will for me. ‘Coz Your plans for me are perfect, and I am thankful for it. I Love You, Lord.


Monday, October 17, 2016

Today We Pray - Oct 17, 2016


Lord, right now, I turn my thoughts to You. Forgive me for all my wrongdoings. Forgive me if I am doing things that is not right in Your eyes.

When we call out Your Name, You are always there. The more we call on Your Name, the more we feel Your presence. We are drawn closer to Your presence day by day if we call out on You.

Help me to have more time with You, Lord. I love to be in Your presence. I love You and I thank You for always being there at my side.


Sunday, October 16, 2016

Today We Pray - Oct 16, 2016


Lord, thank You for Your marvelous and unconditional love. We honor Your Name and we love You with all of our hearts, soul and strength. You never leave us nor forsake us.

Thank You for being there 24/7. Day and night, when I call on Your Name, You’re always there, ready to listen. No gadgets needed, just a soft and sincere whisper of prayer, You can hear me.

Thank You for the freedom that You gave to us. You sent Your Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for us to attain that freedom from sin. How amazing is Your love! Thank You for everything, God!


Saturday, October 15, 2016

Today We Pray - Oct 15, 2016


Lord, thank You for calling me mine. Thank You that You are my Heavenly Father, and I am Your beloved child. Even though I am sinful in your eyes, still, You accepted me even how unclean I am.

Please forgive me in all of my sins. Purify me from all unrighteousness. And, thank You for forgiving my sins if I will just confess it to You. You are faithful and just to forgive me.

Help me to grow my faith in You and will never yield in darkness. Fill me today with Your love and peace that surpasses all understanding. Be with me today in my daily walk and journey.


Friday, October 14, 2016

Today We Pray - Oct 14, 2016


Dear Lord, I acknowledge Your presence in this very moment. Help me to turn down the world’s volume so that I can hear Your voice, speaking through me. I invite You in my heart and in my life.

Thank You for Your unconditional love. Through Your love, I can be completely honest with You because I know You will listen to my concerns, I can talk openly to You without hesitation. Now, I share what I feel to You, Lord.

All to You Jesus, I surrender all. Take hold of my life. I surrender my worries and concerns that are dragging me down right now, this is no longer mine, Lord.


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Today We Pray - Oct 13, 2016


Dear Lord, today we pray for the leaders of our nation. We pray for guidance and protection among them, they need these in their everyday lives. Lead them to righteousness, not in darkness.

We pray for the current leaders. You put them there, O Lord, and we know You have a purpose on why you let them sit in their respective positions. We pray for their future plans, for good health, guidance, wisdom and protection among them. Their lives were also at stake, please cover them with Your most precious blood and protect them from the fangs of the enemies.

And, we pray for the future leaders. Guide the people to choose the right leaders for their nation, give them wisdom and sound mind pick out someone who will lead them. We pray also for peace that surpases all understanding, no weapon shall prosper against them. Hear our prayers, O Lord.


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Today We Pray - Oct 12, 2016


Lord, we Honor Your Name forevermore. I acknowledge You in my heart right now. Thank you for giving me life and the gift of freedom.

Help me Lord to be still and know You are God. May your Holy Spirit lead me to seek You and find You. I find rest and refreshment when I am with You.

Help me also to not take You for granted, your gifts and blessings. I thank You for your love that I am feeling everyday. Through this, I can really sense that You are with me wherever I go. Thank You for Your guidance everyday.


Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Today We Pray - Oct 11, 2016


Are you tired, feeling burdened and loaded with things? Ask the Lord for some rest and talk to Him with this prayer.

Dear Lord, I am tired. I am carrying a lot of burdens in my heart. But I still praise You because I have something to do and I am not in an idle mode.

Still, I thank You that You are providing me opportunities in order for me to learn and grow to be a better child of Yours. I ask for forgiveness in all of my sins, especially if I forget that You are just there for me whatever happens.

I am tired Lord, please give me rest. I cling to Your promise in the Bible that I will just come to you if I am tired, weary and heavy-burdened and You will give me rest. Give me peace of mind and a calm heart and help me to focus on You in these quiet time. Restore unto me the joy of my salvation.


Monday, October 10, 2016

Today We Pray - Oct 10, 2016


Dear Lord, You are good and You are our great comforter. No matter what will happen in our lives, whether it is pleasing or not, still You are a great God. We praise You for Your unending love to us.

Please forgive me if sometimes I am like a sheep that have gone astray. I am sorry if sometimes I am not listening to Your Words and directions. Comfort me Lord when trials come into my life, I sometimes fail and being stubborn.

Renew our minds, renew our strength. Help us to grow so that other people will be inspired by our lives, having You in our ups and downs. And, they will know that You are a good Father to us that provides tranquility.


Sunday, October 9, 2016

Today We Pray - Oct 9, 2016


Dear Lord, You are marvelous and our great protector. Thank you for always being there for us wherever we will go and whatever that we are doing. Indeed, you never left us nor forsake us.

I am sorry if sometimes, I am not acknowledging your presence. I always go on with my ways without your guidance. Help me to be more deeply in love with you. Help me to trust in you always.

Fill me with your grace today. I acknowledge and invite you in my life today. Be with me throughout the day as I fulfill my duties in this earth.


Saturday, October 8, 2016

Today We Pray - Oct 8, 2016


Dear Lord, help me to be open to you
for this time as I put aside the cares of this world.
Fill my mind with your peace, Your Love.

Your death on the cross has set me free.
I can live joyously and freely
without fear of death.
Your mercy knows no bounds.

Knowing that God loves me unconditionally,
I look honestly over the last day, its events and my feelings.
Do I have something to be grateful for? Then I give thanks.
Is there something I am sorry for? Then I ask forgiveness.


Source :

Friday, October 7, 2016

Today We Pray - Oct 7, 2016


Dear Lord, help me to be open to youfor this time as I put aside the cares of this world.Fill my mind with your peace, Your Love.

I try to let go of concerns and worriesthat may be dragging me down at this present moment.I place any concerns I have in Gods hands- at least for these few minutes of prayer.

There is a time and place for everything, as the saying goes.Lord, grant that I may always desireto spend time in your presence.To hear your call.

source :

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Today We Pray - Oct 6, 2016


Dear God,

I slow myself down for a moment, and try to realise that God is present.
To me. Here and now. He is in present in what I do,
in the people that I meet, and the situations I find myself in daily.
How can I make this reality real for myself?

Lord you gave me life and the gift of freedom.
Through Your love I exist in this world.
May I never take the gift of life for granted.
May I always respect the right to life of others.

In the presence of my loving Creator, I look honestly at my feelings over the last day, the highs, the lows and the level ground. Can I see where the Lord has been present?


source :

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Today We Pray - Oct 5, 2016


Dear Lord as I come to you today
Fill my heart and my whole being
with the wonder of Your presence

I will ask God's help,
to be free from my own preoccupations,
to be open to God in this time of prayer,
to come to know, love and serve God more.

In the presence of my loving Creator,
I look honestly at my feelings over the last day,
the highs, the lows and the level ground.
Can I see where the Lord has been present?

Source :

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Today We Pray - Oct 4, 2016


Dear Lord as I come to you today
Fill my heart and my whole being
with the wonder of Your presence

I will ask God's help,
to be free from my own preoccupations,
to be open to God in this time of prayer,
to come to know, love and serve God more.

In the presence of my loving Creator,
I look honestly at my feelings over the last day,
the highs, the lows and the level ground.
Can I see where the Lord has been present?

Source :

Monday, October 3, 2016

Today We Pray - Oct 3, 2016


I remind myself that, as I sit here now,
God is gazing on me with love and holding me in being.
I pause for a moment and think of this.

Lord, you created me to live in freedom.
Mostly I take this gift for granted.
Inspire me to live in the freedom you intended,
with a heart untroubled and with complete trust in You.

How am I really feeling? Lighthearted? Heavy-hearted?
I may be very much at peace, happy to be here.
Equally, I may be frustrated, worried or angry.
I acknowledge how I really am. It is the real me that the Lord loves.

source :

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Today We Pray - Oct 2, 2016


God is with me, but more, God is within me.
Let me dwell for a moment on God's life-giving presence
in my body, in my mind, in my heart,
as I sit here, right now.

I try to let go of concerns and worries
that may be dragging me down at this present moment.
I place any concerns I have in Gods hands
- at least for these few minutes of prayer.

Knowing that God loves me unconditionally,
I look honestly over the last day, its events and my feelings.
Do I have something to be grateful for? Then I give thanks.
Is there something I am sorry for? Then I ask forgiveness.

Source :

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Today We Pray - Oct 1, 2016


Dear Lord, you have called me by my name.
You have carved me in the palm of your hand.
May I grow in trust and never give in to despair.
Lord, I pray for your gift of freedom.
May your Holy Spirit
guide those in power to work for
equality for all your people.
To be conscious about something is to be aware of it. Dear Lord help me to remember that You gave me life. Thank you for the gift of life. Teach me to slow down, to be still and enjoy the pleasures created for me. To be aware of the beauty that surrounds me. The marvel of mountains, the calmness of lakes, the fragility of a flower petal. I need to remember that all these things come from you.

source :