Friday, March 31, 2017

Today We Pray - March 31, 2017

Dear Lord, I don’t know what will come this day or farther into the future. But, I’m grateful that You’re by my side. Grant me a spirit of praise and thanksgiving in whatever lies ahead.

Help me to go about the tasks and duties of this day with the remembrance that I am Your servant therein. Make me honest, painstaking, and cheerful. And, grant that all I do and say may bring good to others and glory to your Holy Name.

Grant that in my earthly pilgrimage I may always be supported by this fellowship of love and prayer. And, know myself to be surrounded by their witness to your power and mercy. I ask this for the sake of Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns for ever and ever.


Thursday, March 30, 2017

Today We Pray - March 30, 2017

Dear Lord, the skies are telling of Your glory and the wonders of Your love. Thank You for making the sacrifice that has secured my freedom, salvation and eternal life. I look with hope to the day when my knowledge of your glory will never be hidden by the concerns of the world.

Forgive me for all the time I spend with my face bent to the things of earth, Your Spirit ignored and forgotten. May I learn to love You in a way that honors the love You have shown me. Let me know you every moment of time, forever.

I thank You for you are always there, willing to show yourself to me and guide me and comfort me. Burn your love on my heart. Let me be on fire in serving You and loving You.


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Today We Pray - March 29, 2017

Dear Jesus, as I spend these days waiting to celebrate Your birth, give me the grace to greet You without suppressed sighs of weariness. Grant me the spirit of generosity. Let me open my front door to You, without any thought of inconvenience.

Let me work every teaching and commandment You gave us. Let me know Your love and share it abundantly with all I may meet, remembering throughout this time Your message and example of long-suffering love and infinite patience. By the power of Your Holy Spirit, renew me afresh in Your Word and power, today and every day, energizing me in Your great commission.

Thank You for dying on the cross for me and covering my sins so that I can have a relationship with You. I love the life You’ve given to me, Lord, yet I wonder what it will be like to see You personally. Help me to trust You with the future. I look forward to that day when I meet You.


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Today We Pray - March 28, 2017

Dear Lord, give ear to my prayer. Attend to the voice of my supplications. In the day of my trouble I will call upon You, for You will answer me.

Among the gods there is none like You, O Lord; and no works like those You have done. All nations whom You have made will come and worship before You, O Lord; and will glorify Your name. For You are great, and do wondrous things: You are God alone.

Teach me Your way, Lord, and I will walk in Your truth. Unite my heart to fear Your name. I will praise You, O Lord my God, with all my heart. I will glorify Your name forever.


Monday, March 27, 2017

Today We Pray - March 27, 2017

Dear Heavenly Father, I know that prayer isn’t a good-luck charm. But, I come to You now because there’s no one better to talk to. Let my heart become one with yours.

Help me to be fully alive to your Holy presence. Enfold me in your love everyday, Lord. Inspire me to live in the freedom you intended, with a heart untroubled and with complete trust in You.

Lord, I know that when I turn to you there is no need for words. You can see into my heart, You know my desires and you know my needs. I place myself into Your loving hands.


Sunday, March 26, 2017

Today We Pray - March 26, 2017

Dear God, as I face another day, I know I am going to face many challenges: to my faith, to my patience, to my love for others. I am going to have constant temptations to lapse into sin. Come to me now, Lord, and stay with me all day.

Let Your Spirit encompass my mind. Let me know Your presence. Steer my hand, direct my words, guide my thoughts in everything I think and say and do.

I resolve to live this day as a beacon of Your glory, the best I can, with Your help. I commit myself to give this day to You. In the name of Christ, be with me and help me.


Saturday, March 25, 2017

Today We Pray - March 25, 2017

Dear Jesus, thank You for this day. You are the Lover of my soul, who draws close in the darkest and longest night. Please keep me trusting You, talking to You, and leaning on Your promises.

Let me remember Your words when I see it, “Be still, and know that I am God.” Let me watch Your day unfold in silence, filled with a sense of Your presence in my life. Your glory fills my spirit and I want only to give thanks with my life this day.

I am filled with gratitude this day, that I could witness such a treasure and could feel it and see it as a gift from You. Thank you for your love. Today, let me carry a sense of how much You love me to send me such a gift.


Friday, March 24, 2017

Today We Pray - March 24, 2017

Dear God, help me to experience Your love more fully so that I can share it with others. I want to live in the light of Your grace and mercy. Let me be the light that shines in this world.

Help me, guide me, Lord. Help me to set priorities around doing those things that will bring me closer to You. Help me remember the joy of simplicity, Lord.

Hold me in the palm of your hand. I pray that you will mold me into what you want me to be. May I joyfully fill the role you have given to me and feel your peace deep in my soul, today and always,


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Today We Pray - March 23, 2017

Dear Lord, thank You for always being there for me. I know with certainty there were times when You carried me, Lord. When it was through Your strength I got through the dark times in my life.

Grant me the grace to be patient and vigilant in watching, waiting, and listening attentively, so that I won't miss Christ when he comes knocking at my door. Descend plentifully into my heart. Enlighten the dark corners of this neglected dwelling and scatter there Thy cheerful beams.

Let me not forget my prayers as I go out into the world. Holy Spirit, be with me, and let me praise You and remember You in my every action and thought, for the entire day long. In Christ's name, I ask this.


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Today We Pray - March 22, 2017

Dear God, as You gave us the sun to lighten our days, so You have given us Your Word to lighten our minds and our souls. I pray that You will pour out on me Your Spirit as I pray today, that my heart and mind may be opened to Your Word. And, that I may learn and accept Your will for my life.

Shine within my heart, loving God, the pure light of Your divine knowledge. Open the eyes of my mind and the ears of my heart to receive Your Word, this day and always. Grant me the grace to be patient and vigilant in watching, waiting, and listening attentively, so that I won't miss Christ when he comes knocking at my door.

Remove whatever hinders me from receiving the gifts which the Savior brings — Joy, Peace, Justice, Mercy, and Love. And, let me always remember that these are gifts that are only received by giving. Let me remember, during this season and throughout the year, the downtrodden, the oppressed, the outcast, the prisoner, the weak, and the defenseless, with my prayers and with my substance.


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Today We Pray - March 21, 2017

Heavenly Father, I am grateful that although I cannot comprehend You, I can know You. Remind me that even though You and Your ways might be beyond me, I can always count on Your love for me and Your presence with me. You are indeed worthy of our worship, God.

Thank You, Lord, for the privilege of coming to You as my Father. You know my needs before I even ask. Thank You that You will never turn me away.

Help me to pursue a life that is pleasing to You and honors Your name. Let me not conform to the pattern of this world, renew my mind to pursue godly things, so that I can honor and glorify Your Name in everything that I do.


Monday, March 20, 2017

Today We Pray - March 20, 2017

Dear Lord help me to remember that You gave me life. Thank you for the gift of life. Teach me to slow down, to be still and enjoy the pleasures created for me.

Thank You, Lord, for the gift of encouragement. May we encourage others as they have encouraged us. Continue to make us a channel of blessing to the people around us.

We praise You, O Lord—with words, with song, and with our lives. We offer You our hearts in response to Your great power, loving provision, and constant care. Make us perfect in every good work to do Your will, working in us that which is well pleasing in Your sight; through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever.


Sunday, March 19, 2017

Today We Pray - March 19, 2017

Dear Lord, we love You so much. I come to You this morning to ask your blessing on myself and all those in the world who wait for You. Let us always have complete confidence in Your return.

We want our words and our lives to be a witness of Your goodness and grace. Please use us in ways we never thought possible. Let us be a witness of Your Holy Word to the ends of the earth.

We are like children waiting for their presents, sometimes. Help us not to be impatient, Lord Christ, but to wait as you have told us, showing the fruits of the spirit in every thought and work. Help us to put our trust in You, always.


Saturday, March 18, 2017

Today We Pray - March 18, 2017

Dear God, the heavens are telling of Your glory and the wonders of Your love. Yet, as clouds will cover your sky in gloom, as the ceilings of men's buildings hide the sky from my sight, so the cares of this existence block your majesty from my mind. You are our peace and to You we ascribe glory.

Grant peace to Your servants. Implant in them the fear of You and confirm in them love one for another. Extinguish every dispute and banish all temptations to disagreement.

I pray for Your peace and Your mercy in the midst of the great suffering that people are now inflicting on each other. I look with hope to the day when my knowledge of Your glory will never be hidden by the concerns of the world. Hear us and have mercy on us.


Friday, March 17, 2017

Today We Pray - March 17, 2017

Dear God, I have tasted Your goodness and it has satisfied me, yet it has made me thirst for even more. I am so painfully aware of my need for even more grace than I now enjoy; and even when I do not want more, I am ashamed of my lack of desire. I want You completely, mighty God, and I want to want You even more than I do.

Fill me with longing for you; make me even thirstier. Show me your glory, I pray, so that I may know you always better and better, growing in my faith and love. From your infinite mercy, begin a new work of love within me this moment.

Let the whole earth also worship You. Let all nations obey You, all tongues confess and bless you. And, men and women everywhere love You and serve You in peace.


Thursday, March 16, 2017

Today We Pray - March 16, 2017

Dear Lord, You alone gave me the breath of life and alone can keep alive in me the holy desires your Spirit brings. I pray to you, in the name of your infinite compassion, to sanctify my thoughts and endeavors this day that I may not begin to act without a pure intention or continue it without your blessing. And grant that, having the eyes of my mind opened to behold things invisible and unseen, I may in heart be inspired by Your wisdom, and in work be upheld by Your strength, and in the end be accepted by You as Your faithful servant.

As I stumble through this life, help me to create more laughter than tears, dispense more cheer than gloom, spread more joy than despair. Let me remind those I meet that our final existence will be total joy, and that we may taste this joy through the Spirit even today. Never let me become so indifferent that I will fail to see the wonder in the eyes of a child, or the twinkle in the eyes of the aged.

In utter humility, I thank You and glorify you, that you might hear the prayer of one so small as myself, amidst the billions of souls among billions of stars in one of billions of galaxies in Your universe. Let me go forth in your peace, keeping Your Spirit always in my mind. And bless me, I pray, that I might always follow Your will and live in the radiance of Your blessing.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Today We Pray - March 15, 2017

Dear Heavenly Father, Your love embraces everyone. Through the Resurrection of Your Son, You call me and all who pray with me into Your wonderful light. Dispel our darkness and make us a people with one heart and one voice, forever singing Your praise.

You know my weakness and failings, and that without Your help I can accomplish nothing for the good of souls, my own and others'. Grant me, therefore, the help of Your grace, according to my particular needs this coming week. Enable me to see the tasks You will set before me in the daily routine of my life, and let me set my hand to these tasks with the vigor and joy of one with whom you abide.

All through this day and in the week to come, O Lord, by the power of your quickening Spirit, let me touch the lives of others for good, whether through the word I speak, the prayer I speak, or the life I live. Please grant us continued grace and blessings during the coming day. This I ask in the name of Jesus Christ, Your only son, who has saved me from death.


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Today We Pray - March 14, 2017

Dear Lord, You are an almighty and everlasting God, who has safely brought me to the beginning of this day. I give You thanks for all the blessings in my life. In Your grace and mercy, may we know that you watch over us.

Give me wisdom each day to see which things are important, and which things are not. Show me the best time on how to use the talents that you have given me. Help me to use all my opportunities wisely, that I may share the good gifts I have received from you.

Help me to be a good steward of yours. Help me to spread Your love more and more to the people around me. We receive this gift of salvation that you gave long ago that comes from You. We love You, Lord.


Monday, March 13, 2017

Today We Pray - March 13, 2017

Dear Heavenly Father, I beseech You, for Your mercy’s sake, continue Your grace and favor towards me this day. Let the sun of Your gospel never go down out of my heart. Let Your truth abide and be established with me, and among all of us, forever.

Help my unbelief, increase my faith, give me a heart to consider the time of my visitation. In faith clothe me with Christ, that He may live in me, and Your name may be glorified in me, in the sight of all the world. Let me then cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light.

I pray that You will fill my heart with the blessing of Your Holy Spirit. Grant me this day the strength to be temperate in all things, diligent in my duties, and patient under my afflictions. Give me grace to be just and upright in all my dealings; quiet and peaceable; full of compassion; and ready to do good to all people, according to my abilities and opportunities.


Sunday, March 12, 2017

Today We Pray - March 12, 2017

Dear Lord, thank You and love You for seeing who I really am. I most especially thank You, I fall upon my knees in gratitude, that You love me despite all of the sin and ugliness You see in me. You can see my beauty and heart, also, though, and love me as nobody else possibly could.

Like a father, You love me. Like a perfect brother, You love me. Knowing that You see me so clearly, and yet love me enough to suffer torture and death to save my soul, transcends my comprehension.

I give myself to You wholly, freely; every part of me blesses You. Take me to your bosom, holy Christ; let me live Your love and reflect Your light, that others may see a dim reflection of Your magnificence in my lowly life, and that despite my many grievous faults, I might please You by doing better today, and every day. And this I vow: I will try, at least once today, to take a step closer to you, by the power of the Holy Spirit.


Saturday, March 11, 2017

Today We Pray - March 11, 2017

Dear God, may I have peace within, this day. May I trust You that I am exactly where I am meant to be. May I not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.

May I use those gifts that I have received, and pass on the love that has been given to me. May I be confident knowing I am a Your beloved child. Let this presence settle into my bones, and allow my soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.

Make us to increase and abound in love one toward another, and toward all men, even as we do toward you. Help me to believe mightily, hope joyfully, and love divinely. Renew me that I may help renew the face of the earth.


Friday, March 10, 2017

Today We Pray - March 10, 2017

Dear God, as I cross the threshold of this day, I commit myself, soul, body, affairs, friends, to Your care. Watch over, keep, guide, direct, sanctify, bless me. Incline my heart to Your ways.

What a miracle it is, dear Lord, that You can bring together people of all tribes, tongues, and nations to be like-minded in Christ, to share a bond of love and affection for Jesus. Mold me completely into the image of Jesus, as a potter forms clay. May my lips be a well-tuned harp to sound Your praise.

Seek me out, and bring me home to Your fold again. Deal favourably with me according to Your good pleasure, until I may dwell in Your house all the days of my life. Let me praise You forever and ever with them that are there.


Thursday, March 9, 2017

Today We Pray - March 09, 2017

Dear Lord, walk with me so that I may not be alone as I face this day, but always in Your presence. Your joy is a lighthouse in a world often dark with sin. And, I pray that I may reflect the light of Your truth, to inspire others as I have been inspired.

Give me the hope I need and help me never to be afraid to begin again. You told Your disciples to be anxious for nothing. I give to You my anxiety, Lord Christ, and lay my troubles upon Your mighty back.

Let me work for your glory and not my own, Lord Jesus. Let the anxiety that comes from pride and vanity and fear of others might be gone from me. And, let me serve you in joy and peace.


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Today We Pray - March 08, 2017

Dear Heavenly Father, as I face this new day, let me be aware of the work You have done for me as I slept. I praise You that Your loving care never slumbers, but has been with me while I was least aware of it. And, that You renew me and the whole world, fresh every day, preparing Your plans for me.

I pray that I may seek Your will this day, Your plan for my life, and carry out Your plan in my every action. I lay my hopes and fears on an altar before You, that Your Holy Spirit may guide my hopes toward the light of Your holiness. And, may quiet my fears with the knowledge of Your infinite peace, in total confidence that Your grace will save me from the evils of this world.

Let the word of Christ richly dwell within me all this day. Dispel our darkness and make us a people with one heart and one voice, forever singing Your praise. And, whatever I do in word or deed, may I do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Today We Pray - March 07, 2017

Dear Lord, You are the God who sees us, and yet we can still run to You. We need You to do in us what we cannot do for ourselves. Please remove any mountain of pride or valley of despair that would keep us from welcoming You into our lives.

Grant me that desire to spend time in your presence always. Help me to hear your call and to turn down the world’s volume so that I can hear it. Dwell with me., Lord.

Let my words today build up someone for Your glory. Help us not to fall into temptation. And, help us to encourage each other each and everyday, for the greater glory of Your Kingdom.


Monday, March 6, 2017

Today We Pray - March 06, 2017

Dear Heavenly Father, blessed are You for ever; Holy is Your name. Great is Your mercy for Your people. In the morning, I cry out to You my deepest concerns.

Teach me to love with the love of Christ that others might see Your love reflected in my care and concern for them. May Your love drive and dominate my responses to life and to others. Remain in my heart, and guide me in my love and service all of this day.

Help me to shine Your light before others and lead them to the way of faith. May Your law and Your goodness guide my every thought, O Lord. And, may the power of your Holy Spirit flow through my words and my actions today, and always.


Sunday, March 5, 2017

Today We Pray - Mar 05, 2017

Dear God, blessed be Your Name in all the earth. I thank You because You have delivered me from the dominion of darkness and brought me into the kingdom of Your risen Son. We rejoice in this new day You have made, and praise You for Your mighty acts.

As I offer You all that is ordinary and everyday in my life, I ask you to give me the power of your Spirit that I may transform each day by living with a positive attitude, looking for the best in people and situations. Inspire me to live in Your presence every day so that I may have a full share of the hope only Your Spirit can bring. Lead me do the ordinary things of life in an extraordinary way, to Your glory.

Guide our steps toward and not away from those who need You. Then guide our words and our actions, too. So that, we can be purposeful in our encounters with others.


Saturday, March 4, 2017

Today We Pray - Mar 04, 2017

Dear Lord, I give You thanks for the fruits of the earth in their season and for the labors of those who harvest them. Make me and all of my brothers and sisters in Christ, I pray, faithful stewards of your great bounty, for the provision of our necessities and the relief of all who are in need. We believe in You, our Jehovah Jireh.

Forgive me for the foolish choices I have made. Please enable me to be wiser in my choices. Teach me the value of resting in Your grace.

I humbly pray that we may always prove ourselves a people who remember Your favor and are glad to do Your will. Bless our land with honorable industry, sound learning, and pure manners. Save us from violence, discord, and confusion; from pride and arrogance, and from every evil way.


Friday, March 3, 2017

Today We Pray - Mar 03, 2017

Dear Lord, I need Your guidance today. If things get tough today, Lord — and in all hard times — let me stay motivated and calm. Let me look at how far I have come rather than how far I still have to go.

Thank you, Father, that no matter what the devil tries to do he will never be greater than You. I give You all the glory and thank You for paving Your way for me. Nothing shall stop Your plan for me in Jesus’ mighty name.

Send me now into the world in peace, Lord. And, grant me strength and courage to love and serve you with gladness and singleness of heart. Make me a servant that is humble and meek, Lord.


Thursday, March 2, 2017

Today We Pray - Mar 02, 2017

Dear Lord, thank You that You are faithful to keep Your promises. Please help me to always look forward to You. Bless the work of our hands today, Lord.

We believe You weep at the pain and anguish some of Your children experience because they love You. We pray that You will strengthen them in the midst of their suffering and send them Your grace. Cover them with Your most precious blood.

May the world see our love for each other—and the deeds that come from it—as a great testimony to the bond of unity we have in You. May they want to know You, too. We all humbly ask this in Your mighty Name.


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Today We Pray - Mar 01, 2017

Dear God, thank You for a night sky that helps us glimpse eternity. We can’t begin to understand it fully, but we know it is there, and we know You are there. Help us trust You for what we don’t know.

I choose to put on the mind of Christ. I want peace of mind and soundness. I want to be focused, sober and vigilant. I receive the mind of Christ and the peace of Christ.

You still have things that you want to teach me yet. I ask for the grace to hear them and let them change me. I receive your thoughts and your ways of doing things today, God.
