Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Today We Pray - Jan 31, 2017

Dear God, You are the King Eternal, immortal and invisible. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever You had formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God. You are the same yesterday, today, and forever.

You have given us so much by providing our salvation. Help us to make the gospel attractive to others by the way we shine Jesus’ light on those we encounter each day. You alone are God, and do not change; and because of this, we may hope to be preserved.

Grant, O God, that Your holy and life-giving Spirit may so move every human heart. So that, barriers which divide us may crumble, suspicions disappear and hatreds cease. Let our divisions being healed, we may live together in justice and peace, through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Monday, January 30, 2017

Today We Pray - Jan 30, 2017

Dear Lord, thank You for the glory of the sun. And, thank You for the health I have to get my duty done. I shall devote the hours of this golden day to You, by honoring Your Holy Name in everything I do.

I admit that it is easy to be consumed with my own wants and needs. Thank You that You showed us how to be concerned for others, too. Help me to follow Your example in caring for others.

I pray that I may proceed with boldness in the few things I know as a certainty, especially that my eternal salvation can come only from Christ Jesus. And that through my repentance of sin and my faith in Him, I will be saved. May I never shrink from your Great Commission, oh Lord, to share the Gospel with the world, so that those with ears to hear it might join me in salvation.


Sunday, January 29, 2017

Today We Pray - Jan 29, 2017

Dear Lord, I pray that this day You will incline my heart to keep your commandments, driving temptation from my mind. Guide my feet into the way of peace that having done Your will with cheerfulness. When the night comes, I will rejoice in giving You thanks for a day lived in Your presence; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Teach me, O Lord, to act so that all my deeds will glorify Your holy name and Your wonderful creation. Take pity, O Lord, on all the people in this earth. Hear the desires of all who cry out to You, and deliver them from evil.

O Lord God, forgive us our sins and offenses and insults against each other. Dispel from our hearts all indignation, suspicion, anger, remembrance of evil, quarrels, and all that might hinder and lessen brotherly love. Replace resentment with forgiveness, I pray, in the name of Christ.


Saturday, January 28, 2017

Today We Pray - Jan 28, 2017

Dear Lord, You are the only God in Heaven above or the earth below. I walk before You with all my heart. I bless Your name in the morning when I rise and in the evening when I sleep, and all the day when Your creation fills my eye.

I am thankful that when I experience trouble, You are waiting and wanting to help. Teach me to look to You and to rest in Your kind and loving care until You deliver me safely home. When I see and hear the thousand miracles of Your creation, let me see them anew, recalling that You have made them, and no other.

Help me to be at peace, with God and with his other children. And, may we love one another as Christ taught us. May I follow the example of good men of old, and may God comfort and help me and all who believe in Him, both in this world and in the world which is to come.


Friday, January 27, 2017

Today We Pray - Jan 27, 2017

Dear Heavenly Father, I give You thanks for my creation, preservation, and all the blessings of my life. Grant that this day I fall into no sin, neither run into any kind of danger. But that all my doings, being governed by Your will, may be righteous in Your sight.

Nail down my flesh with fear of You. And do not let not my heart be inclined to words or thoughts of evil, but pierce my soul with Your love. I confess my misdoings and show my gratitude to You.

Lord, please give me a heart of repentance to see myself as You do. Give me the grace to respond to Your merciful call for change. Thank You for encouraging me through Your Word to keep living for You.


Thursday, January 26, 2017

Today We Pray - Jan 26, 2017

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that this day, You will continue to bless me that I may be a blessing to others. Keep me strong that I may help the weak. Keep me uplifted that I may have words of encouragement for others.

I pray for those that are lost and can’t find their way, also to the misjudged and misunderstood. I pray for those who don’t know you intimately, for those who don’t believe in You that they may find you. I pray that others will find Your strength, so that they can love and help one another.

As I travel through the rest of my day, fill me with all joy and peace in believing. Let me abound in hope all the days of my life. In Christ's name, I come to you today.


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Today We Pray - Jan 25, 2017

Dear God, who has commanded us to love one another without fail, purify my soul. Let Your Holy Spirit empower me throughout this day, to be obedient to the truth at every moment. So that, I might love my brothers and sisters earnestly, from a pure heart.

And, let me always remember that I have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable. If I am confused or do not know what to think or do, let me think of Your Son, Jesus Christ. For I will follow Him even to the point of suffering and death, confident in His resurrection and the eternal reward for those that do follow him in sincere belief.

Teach me the steadfastness of Your love, mighty Savior. Teach me Your humility, Your selflessness. Teach me to be a devoted servant of Yours, Lord.


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Today We Pray - Jan 24, 2017

Dear God,I adore You and unite myself to the adoration You receive from the angels and saints.  I pray that You will pour out on me Your Spirit as I pray today, that my heart and mind may be opened to Your Word. And, I may learn and accept your will for my life.

Shine within my heart, loving God, the pure light of Your divine knowledge. Open the eyes of my mind and the ears of my heart to receive Your Word, this day and always. I give You my heart and I offer my ardent thanksgiving for all the grace which You never cease to bestow on me.

I beg You to visit me with Your grace and Your love and to grant me the gift of holy fear. So that, it may act on me as a check to prevent me from falling back into my past sins, for which I beg pardon. All this I ask in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, in whom I have all faith.


Monday, January 23, 2017

Today We Pray - Jan 23, 2017

Dear Lord, purify my soul today. Let Your Holy Spirit empower me throughout this day, to be obedient to the truth at every moment. So, that I might love my brothers and sisters earnestly, from a pure heart.

And let me always remember that I have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable. And if I am confused or do not know what to think or do, let me think of your Son, Jesus Christ, and ask myself what He would have done. For I will follow him even to the point of suffering and death, confident in his resurrection and the eternal reward for those that do follow him in sincere belief.

Hold me in the palm of Your hand. I pray that You will mold me into what You want me to be. May I joyfully fill the role You have given to me and feel Your peace deep in my soul, today and always.


Sunday, January 22, 2017

Today We Pray - Jan 22, 2017

Dear Lord, let me begin this day with sincere meditations in joy unspeakable, in blessing and praising You. You have given me such good hope and everlasting consolation. Lift up my mind above all these little things below, which are apt to distract my thoughts.

Keep my mind above, until my heart is fully resolved to seek You every day. Without You Lord, I am nothing. I pray that this day I will have food, and shelter, and be free of pain and fear.

If it is not Your will for me to suffer, Lord, I pray that I will not. And above all, cleanse my soul of sin, that I might someday be free of all pain and evil. For whatever I may bear in this life, I have faith and hope in the life to come, through Your goodness and mercy.


Saturday, January 21, 2017

Today We Pray - Jan 21, 2017

Dear Lord, give me grace to address You with my heart, as with my lips. You are everywhere present, from you no secret can be hidden. Teach me to fix my thoughts on you, with reverence and devotion, that I may not pray in vain.

Give me always a thankful sense of the blessings. Make me and all who confess Your Holy Name people of this light. Make me faithful to Your Word that I may bring Your life to the waiting world.

Incline thine ear to us, Lord, Hear our prayers. Hear our cries.


Friday, January 20, 2017

Today We Pray - Jan 20, 2017

Dear Heavenly Father, I need to know Your love in order to love others. I want to experience and share Your patience and kindness with those I care about. Fill me and use me, Lord.

I thank You for all that I am and all that I have had in my life. Thy will be done, my God. I ask only that You let me know Your will for me.

And, I pray for the strength, the power and the energy, to accomplish Your purpose. Let me be anxious for nothing. All glory be to You, one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who was before time and will be forever.


Thursday, January 19, 2017

Today We Pray - Jan 19, 2017

Dear Lord, I offer to Your divine majesty my sincere praise and thanksgiving for all Your mercies towards me. You made me first and have ever since sustained the work of Your own hand. Thank You for giving me the assurance of salvation.

I have sinned and done very wickedly, be merciful to me, O God. Pardon me for Jesus Christ's sake; instruct me in the particulars of my duty. And, suffer me not to be tempted above what You give me strength to bear.

May my life be so pleasing to You that You are pleased to have Your face shine on me. As You graciously smile on my life, may I find someone today with whom I can share Your love through a smile. I ask you, Lord, to defend me this week from all evil, and do more for me than I can think or ask.


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Today We Pray - Jan 18, 2017

Dear Heavenly Father, I bless You for the day that You have made. Let me spend this day rejoicing in Your creation. Fill me with the joy of my salvation, so that Your light may shine through me into the world

Let Your honor and glory may be known to all people. Let me follow Your example to never inflate myself with pride of status, of opinion, or of any of the gifts You have bestowed upon me. Let me welcome good advice and sound rebuke, without defensiveness.

Grant me always to praise rather than criticize, sympathize rather than discourage, build rather than destroy. Help us to remember that we are all Your beloved children. Let my hope and glory be ever in you, and not in my own vanity.


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Today We Pray - Jan 17, 2017

Dear Lord, please help me today, and throughout the coming week, to take one truth and apply it to my circumstances. Let Your Holy Spirit nudge me and remind me throughout every day. I know that as I apply what Your word says I will find freedom.

Please show me what I need to focus on right where I walk today ‘coz I know there is blessing in doing things Your way. Help me to be intent on practicing what You reveal to me. I give You my will today and this week, to want to do what You show me.

I beseech You mercifully to hear my prayers. Hear the prayers of all Your people who call upon You. Grant that we may both perceive and know what things we ought to do.


Monday, January 16, 2017

Today We Pray - Jan 16, 2017

Dear Lord, be our helper and defender all the days of our lives. Let all the nations realize that You are the only God and that Jesus Christ is Your Child. And, that we are Your people and the sheep of Your pasture.

Direct my thoughts, words and work. Wash away my sins, Lord. Purge my heart by thy Holy Spirit.

Send me Your light and truth to keep this day and all the days of my life. And, may Your mighty hand protect us. Bless our homes and our lives.


Sunday, January 15, 2017

Today We Pray - Jan 15, 2017


Dear Lord, thank You for making us in Your own image and redeemed us through Jesus Your Son. Thank You for supporting me all the day long in my daily journey. Help me more to be like You.

Take away the arrogance and hatred which infect our hearts. Break down the walls that separate us. Unite us in bonds of love.

Remind me often that You have been exceedingly generous to me. Help me to extend that generosity of spirit toward those around me, so that they may know who You are and rejoice in You.


Saturday, January 14, 2017

Today We Pray - Jan 14, 2017

Dear Lord, reach out Your mighty hand to me, and to all who seek You in the name of Your Son. Heal us, transform us, and make us whole. Reach out Your mighty hand to lift us up to serve You.

Touch me and all of us this very day, O Lord. May our own hands may bring Your hope and healing to this broken world. Touch me, I pray, great God whose touch transforms.

I thank You for showing me my hidden faults, for You treat me as Your dear child. Help me surrender to Your cleansing work till the beauty of Jesus be seen in me. Change me Lord, if it is Your will, for I would lead a better life.


Friday, January 13, 2017

Today We Pray - Jan 13, 2017

Dear Lord, I thank You for this day. I thank You that I can see or hear Your Word this morning. Let me give thanks all day for what I have, especially Your eternal love.

Forgive me this day when I go astray, by my thoughts or actions. My only aim is to please You, to know and do Your will. Guide my every step, Lord.

Help me to live this day with wisdom and discretion so that I may not fall short of Your glory. Protect me from danger, both in the world and in my attitude. Give me the gift of a clear mind, that I might hear the quiet voice of Your Spirit.


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Today We Pray - Jan 12, 2017

Dear Lord, remind me always of Your holy presence. Surround me with Your Holy Spirit everyday to guide and protect me. Free me from all my shame and self-doubt.

We do believe that You are the place where true satisfaction is found. But, we’re weak and sinful and easily distracted from Your best. Teach us to draw near to You, and may You, in turn, draw near to us.

Bless us with the power of Your love, everyday. Bound us close together in the bond of love. Shine Your light upon us, Lord.


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Today We Pray - Jan 11, 2017

Dear Lord, there is only one voice that is perfect truth, and that is Yours. The voice of Your Spirit and the voice of Your Word comforts me. Help me to hear Your voice clearly everyday.

Lead me to read Your Word without listening to any voice but Yours. Let me hear Your truth and read Your Word clearly. Let me know the truth, Lord.

What a privilege it is to say “yes” to You each day. Thank You for loving me and forgiving me. Guide me in all my choices today and help me to serve You faithfully.


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Today We Pray - Jan 10, 2017


Dear Lord, fill my spirit, and the spirit of all the people today.  Fill us with faith and hope, for a new day has dawned. Set our hearts today to worship You in spirit and in truth.

I acknowledge and confess my guilt to You, Lord. Ease me of the burden of my sins. Give me grace that I may rise from the slumber of sin into the newness of life.

Let me live according to Your Holy Word. Make me to know what is acceptable in Your sight. And, bless the people of this land, Lord.


Monday, January 9, 2017

Today We Pray - Jan 9, 2017


Dear God, I come to You this morning, full of hope that the day to come might be filled with joy and energy. Grant that I may do my work with a light and happy heart. If I face frustration today, let me handle it with acceptance and faith that the outcome is in Your hands.

Lead me away from anger or judgment of other people. Let me tend to my own garden instead of looking over the fence. If my neighbor's yard is filled with weeds, help me not to criticize, and keep me from envy of those whose tree bears more fruit.

Let everything I attempt be filled with the knowledge and guidance of Your Holy Spirit. I pray that the Spirit will be with me at every moment. Let me always be aware of Him, and live every moment of this day in Your presence.


Sunday, January 8, 2017

Today We Pray - Jan 8, 2017


Dear Heavenly Father, who has filled the world with beauty, open my eyes to behold Your gracious hand in all your works. Let me rejoice in Your whole creation. Let me learn to serve You with gladness, faithfully managing Your bounty; for the sake of him by whom all things were made.

I thank You that You have answered me and have become my salvation. No matter how weak or lowly I may feel, I will always remember Your promising words. Let me be strong in faith and strong in Your Spirit.

I ask to be called as a witness to Your love by the love I extend to others. Let me be a lamp set on a hill, reflecting the light of Christ in my forgiveness, mercy and compassion. And, a harvester of souls through my humble and dedicated servanthood.


Saturday, January 7, 2017

Today We Pray - Jan 7, 2017


Dear Lord, thank You for another day that You have given to us. Thank You for the gift of life. Glory and praise to You for filling me with life to live another day.

I will spend this day in Your presence filled with Your joy and energy. Help me to accomplish Your will, Lord. Let me do what I can to deserve the joys of the day.

Make me an instrument of Your grace. Bless me and those who pray with me now, that although we cannot see or hear one another, we may be bonded in your Holy Spirit. Let us be as bricks in a great lighthouse to guide the entire world to You, to Your love and Your forgiveness.


Friday, January 6, 2017

Today We Pray - Jan 6, 2017


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for filling the earth with beauty. Open my eyes to behold Your gracious hand in all your works, rejoicing in Your whole creation. Help me to serve You with gladness, faithfully managing your blessing and grace.

I thank You that You have answered me and have become my salvation. No matter how weak or lowly I may feel, I will always remember Your sweet promising words. Let me be strong in faith and strong in Your Spirit.

Let me be a witness to Your love and share it to others. Let me be a light that shines in this world. And, let me be a harvester of souls through my humble and dedicated servanthood.


Thursday, January 5, 2017

Today We Pray - Jan 5, 2017


Dear Lord, let me this day know You as You are. I want to love You supremely and admire You fully. Let me also serve You completely, Lord.

Give me courage to confess, to bare my sinful heart to Thee. Thank You for Your forgiving love You long to show. Thank You for the freedom from my sins.

I thank you that You have not destroyed me in my transgressions. But in Your love toward mankind, You have raised me up. As I lay in despair, let me glorify Your Majestic Name, forevermore.


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Today We Pray - Jan 4, 2017


Dear Lord, I commit myself to Your care today, and throughout the week. Mold me in Your image. In everything that I say and do, let my mind be on the eternal goodness of Heaven rather than the vanities of earth.

I dedicate myself to Your holiness. I pray that You will be with me all the days of my life. I am heartily sorry that I have ever offended You, and I sincerely repent; with tears I humbly pray to you, O Lord.

Help me look to You for guidance and wisdom. Let me know the joyful feeling of having done something that pleased You. Let me never feel the pain of knowing I have disappointed You.


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Today We Pray - Jan 3, 2017


Dear Lord, I come before You in a humble sense of my own unworthiness, confessing my many transgressions. I beseech you, in mercy, and forgive me for all my transgressions. Work in me a hearty repentance; that I may obtain forgiveness at Your hands.

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight. Let Your Holy Spirit guide me in my prayer and in thought, and grant me the grace to listen and hear Your Word. Soften my heart, that I may be directed by your truth, and not the devices of my body and mind.

Direct our way unto You, Lord. Make us to increase and abound in love one toward another. May we establish our hearts unblameable in holiness before You.


Monday, January 2, 2017

Today We Pray - Jan 2, 2017


Dear Lord, I give my love to You without reservation. I will love You unconditionally all the days of my love because You loved me, too. Thank You for Your agape and unending love, Lord.

In the face of intimidation and fear when seeking to engage others with the gospel, remind me that they are Your lost treasures. I count it a privilege to follow You into other’s lives. I want to tell the Good News to others so that they will love You, too.

With all my heart, I desire to submit to Your will. Let my condition be always blessed. Make Your home with me, that I might be truly blessed.


Sunday, January 1, 2017

Today We Pray - Jan 1, 2017


Dear God, cause me to live everyday as if it were to be my last, for I cannot know that it is not. Help me to live this day as I shall wish I had done when I come to die. Grant me Your divine grace, everyday.

My actions aren’t adequate to fix my failures. Thank You for doing that through Your Son Jesus who gave Himself for us. Help me to look up and walk with You.

Seek me out and bring me home to Your fold again. Deal favorably with me according to Your good pleasure, until I may dwell in your house all the days of my life. And praise You forever and ever with them that are there.
